
Required CoursesaCoursework

Required Courses (2)

  • MMI 200D (Mechanisms for Microbial Interactions with Hosts)

          And choose at least one of the following two courses:

  • IMM 201 (Basic Immunology)
  • PLP 210 (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plant-Microbe Interaction)

Elective Courses (3)

(A total of three elective courses are required, and must include at least one course from both categories A and B below. Similar courses may satisfy the elective requirement with prior permission of the Executive Committee).

A.  Host Response to Microbes

  • IMM 204 (Topics in Innate Immunity)
  • IMM 293 (Advanced Concepts in Immunology)
  • IMM 297 (Mucosal Immunology)
  • PMI 202 (Integrated Pathobiology Core 2)

B.  Microbiology

  • MIC 262 (Advanced General & Molecular Virology)
  • MMI 280 (The Endogenous Microbiota in Health and Disease)
  • VME 225 (Viral Pathogenesis)

Seminars (2)

(A total of two is required. Similar courses may satisfy the elective requirement with prior permission of the Executive Committee).

  • MIC 292 (Bacterial Effector Proteins)
  • MMI 298 (Current Topics in Host-Microbe Interactions)
  • MMI 291 (Seminar Series, Emerging Challenges in Microbiology and Immunology)
  • CDB 298 (Eukaryotic Cell Signaling Systems)